SSH – close terminal instantly
Here is a shortcode to close the linux terminal instantly: STRG + D
Here is a shortcode to close the linux terminal instantly: STRG + D
Seit einiger Zeit besitze ich den LG 49UH620V. Mein vorheriger 42 Zoll TV hatte einen extrem dicken Rand und auch nur Full HD. Nachdem bei dem TV Reciever noch die Fernbedienung kaputt ging war dies ein perfekter Zeitpunkt um auf
I have removed the virtual network interface „brtsbot“ which was the own subnet for my teamspeak 3 music bot. Because of that my pfsense firewall (virtual machine) doesn’t came up. So i had to remove the network interface brtsbot from
In der Fritzbox Telefonnummern sperren: Telefonie -> Rufbehandlung -> Rufsperren -> Neue Rufsperre Bereich: Rufnummer Rufnummer: 06887123456 -> OK
How to manually encrypt attachments via gpg on the linux command line: # list of every key which is saved locally gpg –list-key # captures all of the updated keys from the keyserver gpg –refresh-keys # encrypt attachments with gpg gpg –output newfilename.gpg –encrypt
How to filter a mac address with tshark: I received a lot of errors trying to find the filter: That string looks like a valid display filter; however, it isn’t a validcapture filter (syntax error). Note that display filters and
systemd-resolve – resolve call failed: DNSSEC validation failed: no-signature Solution: vim /etc/systemd/resolved.conf [Resolve] DNS= DNSSEC=off
systemd – DNSSEC validation failed: no-signature Weiterlesen »
sudo apt-get –purge autoremove network-manager network-manager-gnome vim /etc/systemd/resolved.conf [Resolve] DNS= DNSSEC=off #backwards compatiblity vim /etc/resolv.conf nameserver domain mattionline.lan apt-get remove –purge resolvconf systemctl disable dhcpcd systemctl disable networking cd /etc/ ln -s /run/systemd/resolv/resolv.conf resolv.conf systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service systemctl restart
If you want to run commands in the background in linux you can use screen or tmux. But what is with started processes like a long update/upgrade command. It is bad to abort it so you can put this running
Grafana displayed an error message: Error message grafana – {{alert.title}} Docs Support Plans Community Grafana v3.1.1 (commit: a4d2708) New version available! Solution After the upgrade grafana needed a manual restart root@monitoring:~# systemctl restart grafana-server