Ubuntu – fdisk /dev/ram0-15 – 64MiB
I wondered why i have 16 /dev/ram0-15 devices in my fdisk -l output. Then i figured out that it’s normal if you have a fully encrypted system. So here’s the explanation: The RAM disk driver is a way to use […]
Webserver, Datenbanken, Mailserver, Verschlüsselung
I wondered why i have 16 /dev/ram0-15 devices in my fdisk -l output. Then i figured out that it’s normal if you have a fully encrypted system. So here’s the explanation: The RAM disk driver is a way to use […]
Apache2 Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG An error occurred during a connection to monitoring.mattionline.lan. SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Solution #the https vhost was disabled. had to activate it manually a2ensite default-ssl systemctl restart apache2
Configuration of a reverse proxy from the apache2 webserver to another webserver / website: a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass / ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost>
How To: vim search and replace pattern to change text inside the linux command line editor. Here is the pattern: : %s/homeserver/monitoring delete a whole line: dd repeat command (dot): .
apt-get remove –purge icinga2* apt-get –reinstall install icinga2
Teamspeak 3 Musikbot unter Linux. Sinusbot installieren und youtube-dl, zum Abspielen von Musik (Debian 8). So installiert Ihr sinusbot auf eurem Rootserver apt-get install x11vnc xvfb libxcursor1 ca-certificates bzip2 -y update-ca-certificates apt-get install libglib2.0-0 wget http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/2016.06.14/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl chown sinusbot /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
Durch folgendes Kommando kann man eine Firefox Zweitinstallation anlegen. Der Befehl öffnet den Profil Manager von Firefox, in dem man beliebig viele Benutzer anlegen kann. firefox -P Dann ein neues Profil erstellen für den neuen Nutzer.
How to solve the nginx 413 – request entity too large error? nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf client_max_body_size 2M;
I noticed that all dedicated devices in my network had a very low upload speed. On all of my virtual machines i had the full speed of my internet connection. The problem was my network card (DeLOCK PCI Express Karte
Tutorial: Icinga2 Installation with graphite and grafana under debian 8.4 jessie Ansible playbook to install icinga2/icingaweb2 on arch linux: https://github.com/mattionline/ansible-install-icinga2/blob/master/installmonitoring.yml first you need to add the debmon sources (Debian Monitoring Project) cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debmon.list deb http://debmon.org/debmon debmon-jessie main EOF wget
Icinga2 Installation under Debian (Graphite & Grafana) Weiterlesen »