My carbon process broke down a while ago. I figured out that my grafana wasn’t showing the actual data. So i made a icinga2 check if my carbon service is running.
root@monitoring:/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/hosts# vim monitoring.conf in the object host declaration: vars.process["carbon"] = { procs_user = "_graphite" procs_command = "carbon-cache" }
root@monitoring:/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services# vim check_procs.conf apply Service "check_procs-" for ( proc => config in host.vars.process ) { import "notification-enabled" import "5minute-service" display_name = "Check: " + proc check_command = "procs" #check wird auf dem jeweiligen satelliten ausgeführt -> command_endpoint = #wenn nichts drin steht wirds auf dem master ausgeführt vars += config }