How to export a Grafana Graph as a png image? Step 1) Create your own API Keys 2) Get the Graph URL 3) Export Command
Create your API Key
- click on the grafana icon at the top left corner and go to Admin (Main Org.) -> API Keys
- add a new key (example: name=export role=viewer)
- then you will receive your api key (eyJrIjoieDRzbjh6R1__APIKEY__joiZXhwb3J0IiwiaWQiOjF9)
Get the graph url
- click on the name of the graph you want to export to a png file
- select share and copy the url of the „direct link rendered image“ link
Put together your export command
You can use curl to download the image file. You will have to set a Bearer token to authenticate.
curl -H „Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoieDRzbjh6R1__APIKEY__joiZXhwb3J0IiwiaWQiOjF9“ „“ > filename.png
now you can execute your own command and your png file is getting saved to your directory
Example of a exported graph

Is there any way to save whole dash board in one png
I found this request:
I tried to export the whole dashboard as a png but i couldn’t find the option for it. If you share the panel you can export it as a image, but at the dashboard export options it is exactly the same mask but there is no link to export it as a image. Maybe i should try to update grafana to get the new commit.
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoieDRzbjh6R1__APIKEY__joiZXhwb3J0IiwiaWQiOjF9” “” > filename.png
where to execute the above command?
On the shell of the system you want to save the image. (ssh connection)
I tried above, it creates a PNG but when I open it, it says that this is not a PNG file.
I am using Debian 9.
Grafana version 4.6.2
You can delete my last comment. I did not look clearly enough, I now found the correct link. Bottom left there is the „Direct link rendered image“
Great! Thanks.
I think you also need to add username like -U admin:admin in the curl command