nginx 502 Bad Gateway
Solution to the nginx 502 Bad Gateway Error Message. mysql-bin files too large. Debugging & fixing the problem in my case. 502 Bad Gateway I have received a 502 Bad Gateway Error from the nginx webserver on all of my […]
Solution to the nginx 502 Bad Gateway Error Message. mysql-bin files too large. Debugging & fixing the problem in my case. 502 Bad Gateway I have received a 502 Bad Gateway Error from the nginx webserver on all of my […]
How to redirect www to non-www querys and http to https? With the following nginx config file you can achieve this. nginx config I configured the webserver with just one server block for port 80 http and port 442 https
Folgende Fehlermeldung erzeugte das WordPress Plugin Contact Form 7: /wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/140/feedback“ failed (2: No such file or directory) Diese stammt aus der error.log Datei unter dem nginx Webserver. Ein Absenden des Kontaktformulars war nicht möglich. Ein drehender Kreis erschien, welcher in
I wanted to tune my webserver a bit to make PHP FPM and nginx faster. First i upgraded the Debian server to Buster (newest Version 10). Here you can install php7.3-fpm instead of the old php7.0-fpm. In the file /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
Folgende Fehlermeldung: FastCGI sent in stderr: Primary script unknown Lösung fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME is set to an non existing file
FastCGI sent in stderr: Primary script unknown Weiterlesen »
Content Security Policy (CSP) im nginx Webserver konfigurieren (Tutorial). CSP wird verwendet um Webanwendungen sicherer zu machen. Dort kann man definieren welche Inhalte von Drittseiten geladen werden dürfen. Dies ist der Fall bei externen CSS Dateien, JS Dateien, Bootstrap, Youtube
Content Security Policy nginx Tutorial Deutsch Weiterlesen »
Configure port forwarding in pfsense Firewall -> NAT -> Port forward -> Add Protocol: TCP Destination port range: HTTPS Redirect target ip: Redirect target port: HTTPS Description: Allow HTTPS -> Save Check if it’s working Mathiass-MacBook-Pro:~ mathias$ curl -k
How to hide the apache2 server version number root@homeserver:~# nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf #add at the bottom of the file ServerTokens ProductOnly ServerSignature Off systemctl restart apache2 Before Mathiass-MacBook-Pro:~ mathias$ curl -k –head https://DOMAIN.TLDHTTP/1.1 401 UnauthorizedDate: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 13:18:20
How to hide/remove the x-powered-by header in nginx/hhvm. When you want to hide some details about the used software and version numbers. # curl –head X-Powered-By: HHVM/3.19.1 # nano /etc/hhvm/php.ini hhvm.server.expose_hphp = false # systemctl restart hhvm # curl
How to add the charset header in nginx to utf-8: nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf charset utf-8; #or in the vhosts for a single website