How to fetch current Stock Prices or the historical dividend of companies for free? Finnhub code examples in python.
Stock Price
Finnhub is a API where you can request for example stock prices:
With the quote command you get the open / high / low / current and previous close price.
Historical Dividend
Here it is possible to define a start and end date for a specified stock symbol.
You have to replace your own API token.
import requests from pprint import pprint import json stockSymbol = "APC.F" stockPriceRequest = requests.get('' % stockSymbol) stockPriceJson = stockPriceRequest.json() print(stockPriceJson) print(stockPriceJson['c']) dividendRequest = requests.get('' % stockSymbol) dividendJson = dividendRequest.json() pprint(dividendJson) for i in dividendJson: print(i['amount'])

And yeah, Apple paid 3 dollars. 2014 was a 7 for 1 stock split as you can see on the Apple website: