I wanted to disable a specific host (the services/checks).
My raspberry pi is currently without an sd-card and it should not be monitored anymore.
I found out that there is a check command „dummy“ which is saying that the service is fine, but i don’t want fake values which is saying that the system is up.
Also it is just saying that the host is ok and not all of the services/checks.
My solution:
First of all i have commented out the import commands. You should split your services into host groups. For example my category server-linux allocates specific services to all of my linux servers. If the server is apt-based there are some checks with aptitude (for other systems you can have groups for eg. pacman (packet manager)).
After that i have commented out my temperature and humidity sensors, so that these settings are not loaded.
I also found out that commenting out multiple lines doesn’t work 🙁
You can also go to icingaweb -> overview -> hosts -> HOSTNAME -> downtime -> schedule downtime (select all services)
root@monitoring:~# nano /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/hosts/sensors.conf object Host "sensors.mattionline.lan" { import "generic-host" //import "server-allgemein" //import "server-linux" //import "apt-based" //import "server-home" address = "" display_name = "sensors.mattionline.lan" /* ds1820 sensors for temperature check */ // vars.temperature_sensor = [ // "28-0116106adaee", // "28-01161078fbee" // ] // vars.dhtpin = [ // "7" // ] }