Raspberry Pi 3 – Install Kodi/OpenElec

How to install Kodi / OpenElec on the Raspberry Pi:

Download OpenElec


Raspberry Pi 2 and Pi3 [Model B+ 512MB] – Diskimage

Don’t download the update file!

Unzip the archive

gunzip OpenELEC-RPi2.arm-6.0.3.img.gz

Copy the image file onto the sd card

Mathiass-MacBook-Pro:Downloads mathias$ sudo umount /dev/disk4s1
Mathiass-MacBook-Pro:Downloads mathias$ sudo dd if=OpenELEC-RPi2.arm-6.0.3.img of=/dev/disk4
Mathiass-MacBook-Pro:Downloads mathias$ sudo sync

Put the sd card in the pi and start it

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